25 Feb 2025

Masterclass Erasmus di Musica da Camera – Ákos Hernádi

Ákos Hernádi
Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen, Germania

Dal 10 al 12 Marzo 2025

Orario delle lezioni:
10 Marzo 10:00–13:00 / 15:00–19:00 (AUDITORIUM)
11 Marzo 10:00–13:00 / 15:00–17:00 (AULA 11)
12 Marzo 10:00–13:00 / 14:00–16:00 (AULA 41)

Iscrizioni gratuite:
Per inviare la propria richiesta si prega di inquadrare il QRC o cliccare il seguente link e compilare l’iscrizione:

Conservatorio di Musica di Perugia
Coordinatore del Progetto: Prof. Giovanni Scapecchi
Email: erasmus@conservatorioperugia.it
Site: www.conservatorioperugia.it

Ákos Hernádi began playing the piano at the age of 6 and later entered the special preparatory class for outstanding talents at the Music Academy where his teacher was György Nádor. He won prizes at numerous junior competitions, being awarded the special prize at the Usti nad Laben international competition when he was 13. At the age of 15, he became a student in the university section of the Academy, where he entered Tibor Wehner’s class. Later he entered the performer’s faculty. He successfully entered various international competitions: Barcelona, Viotti/Vercelli, UFAM/Paris.

After graduating, Ákos Hernádi primarily concentrated on chamber music, forming the Hernadi Trio, which performed in a number of European countries. Since 1986 he has lived in Germany, and is currently a professor at the Trossingen Staatliche Musikhochschule.

Ákos Hernádi has made many recordings, and his solo CD of Zoltán Kodály compositions was called “record of the month” by the Swiss journal Musik und Theater. His recordings of Bach-Busoni transcriptions received a rave review from Piano News: “this, which Hernádi offers as a visiting card, is sufficient to raise him to a level shared with the finest performers of these transcriptions.”

Chambermusic Course for Individual Groups: Cultivate your expertise by exploring stylistic eras and musical interpretation.

Benefit from expert guidance on ensemble dynamics and sound design, refining your performance to a professional level.

Il Direttore
M° Luigi Ciuffa